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Forum Posts

Jake :D
May 21, 2019
In Support Team Application
1) What is your Discord, Jake B. ;D#3393 2) Why do you want to be apart of the Support Team?, I’ve been apart of the community for awhile now and I help members when I see they need help an official tag , and I believe some extra perms would help (and be nice to have) 3) What can you bring to the Support Team that other cannot?, I’m active, Im always checking over the discord, 4) How long have you been apart of BCDOJRP and FiveM in general?, Been on FiveM probably for about a year ,BCDOJRP i Think A month 5) Is your knowledge more towards FiveM Development or just general knowledge? ,General knowladge , I know much way around the server vMenu and can help with game crashes 6) How active can you be as a Support Team Member?, pretty much 10 hours a day around that

Jake :D

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